Resurrection Day
Every year on March 23rd I commemorate what I call my “resurrection day.” Yesterday marked 4 years since I shared my experience of #ClergyAbuse publicly. That day changed my life. I asked God for years how He was going to use that #wound. I didn’t understand until the #mission was complete. This day is significant, because it became the day that a deep wound died, became a scar, and a victory was won. I felt heaven rejoice within me. That day I was freed from a past that held me captive- I was freed from inner turmoil, and from temptations telling me it would be easier to allow it to remain hidden. I was freed from any shame, guilt, and deception that plagued me as a result of being victimized. I was freed by #Truth.
I will never forget that day- because in the hours that followed the story’s release, I felt a holy presence like I never had before. I felt a darkness shed from my body, and a deep joy unspeakable. Many of you had something to do with that.
Friends, acquaintances, and family- many of you reached out and told me you were praying for me-I know people actually prayed- because I felt the results swiftly and tangibly. I was *nearly* in a state of ecstasy for the 3-5 days that followed. I have never received an outpouring of grace and prayers like I did then. It felt sacramental in nature. I believe the secret sauce to my entire journey thus far, is prayer. Prayer led me here, and it will get me through.
While I had begun my healing journey some years prior- the decision to share my story, culminated one chapter and started another. Through God’s Grace I continued healing in ways I never imagined possible. The interior battle I faced for years leading up to it, was ferocious, but the victory was all the more glorious because of it.
Sharing my story combined with other healing efforts, led me to discover the mission God has in store for me: to help others heal from life’s wounds, and discover their own potential. This is becoming a reality through my educational journey to become a clinical #MentalHealthCounselor (I’m almost there!).
For years, my #prayer was, “God, use this wound for your glory. Show me the way.” He did. And He continues to. One of my favorite quotes is from Rumi when he says, “the wound is the place where the light enters you.” I couldn’t agree more. My wound unlocked my mission and for that I am grateful.
Overcoming our deepest places of hurt is not just a battle, but a war. If you’re amidst yours, keep fighting. Be relentless in the pursuit of #healing your battle wounds, because freedom will flow. May the pursuit of healing never cease- the ending is worth it.
God does work #miracles- my life is one of them, and so is yours.
Here’s to #ResurrectionDay